As soon as we saw online that we could become a host family for an exchange student, we decided to apply and give our children a chance to get to know someone from a different part of the world.

Samuel arrived into our family. He immediately became a member of our family and our fourth child. We were a bit worried in the beginning if he would accept us too, if he would enjoy our cuisine and how he would see our way of life. But from day one he accepted everything. He loves our food. He has many friends in the school. Our children accepted him without any problems, even our youngest Eva, who was only two years old when Sam arrived. She says he is her brother, and she adores him.

We also become great friends with Sam’s parents and we hope they can visit us some day too. Our other daughter has already made friends with Sam’s sister who is the same age as her.

Sam has become our child and a gift from God, even though nobody expected we could love someone else’s child like our own.



Ms Kovacevic, host mother from Bosnia and Herzegovina

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