Peru is located in the west coast of South America, south of the Equator Line. It is a diverse country with rich tradition and history – birthplace of the Inca and other ancient civilizations. Beyond the unique Machu Picchu – a UNESCO World Heritage Site – in Peru, one finds many habitats – namely 80 of the world’s 120 ecological habitats. From deserts to rainforests and tundra, from streeped mountains to the deepest canyon and beaches reminiscent of the Caribbean. Generally speaking, Peru has three natural regions (something unique in itself); the coast, the mountains (‘La Sierra’) and the jungle (‘La Selva’).
People & Community
You may live anywhere in Peru, most likely in a mid-sized or small urban area. Peruvian families are comfortable expressing their emotions, and like to spend time together during meals and at family gatherings. Parents are usually very protective of their children, especially girls.
Explore the Programs Available in Peru

High School Year Program in Peru
- DestinationPeru
- Durations8 months or more
- Cost8.500€
- Program Dates
- Aug 2023 - Jun 2024